10 Benefits of Tutorially Software | Tutor Software
How do you manage your tuition business today? If you are not already using the tutor-scheduling software you are likely to be using basic calendar services, social media, your mobile phone, spreadsheets, hand-written scraps of paper and countless other partial solutions. All work to some extent, but are they effective? How much time do you spend every week organising lessons, schedules, files and materials? For us, it was a lot – which is why we developed Tutorially ™. Rather than wrestle with the myriad of systems we made do with for years, we now log into a simple and secure site for everything. Much is automated, and we now have time for more teaching or even personal lives! Chances are the bigger your company is the more time and effort you are putting into the administrative processes that are a time-consuming but necessary reality of running a successful business. Here are 10 ways that Tutorially™ makes your life as a tutor and business owner significant